

加拿大里贾纳大学(Regina University)姚一豫教授应邀来院作学术报告

作者: 时间:2018-10-22 点击数:


学院师生对姚一豫教授的到来表示热烈欢迎,讲座会场座无虚席。苗夺谦教授首先向大家介绍了姚老师的成就,姚教授表示很荣幸在同济大学举办此次报告。姚教授作了题为“The Art and Science of Three-Way Decisions”的学术报告。他指出,粒计算(Granular Computing)是基于信息粒的问题求解与数据分析理论方法,粒计算以信息粒为基本计算单位,以处理数据不确定性、建立大规模复杂数据的有效分析模型为研究目标,已成为数据挖掘与知识发现领域的一类重要计算范式。三支决策是粒计算理论的新方向,已经在诸多机器学习应用问题中体现出巨大的发展潜力。报告将简要回顾三支决策的起源,发展,并深入分析三支决策理论的学术贡献。 他的近期研究“三支决策的分、治、效”思想已经将三支决策理论与哲学思想深入结合,奠定了三支决策理论的哲学基础。


Y.Y. Yao is a professor with the Department of Computer Science, University of Regina, Canada. His research interests include Three-Way Decisions(3WD), Granular Computing, Rough Sets, Web Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining. He published over 300 papers. In 2015, 2016 and 2017, he was selected as a Highly Cited Researcher. In 2014, he received the University of Regina Alumni Association Faculty Award for Research Excellence. In 2013, a co-authored paper was included in Frontrunner 5000 (Top Articles in Outstanding Science and Technology Journals of China). In 2010, he received the Overseas Friendship Award from Chinese Rough Set and Soft Computing Society. He is a senior Area Editor of International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, an Associate Editor of Information Sciences, an Advisory Board Member of Knowledge-based Systems, and a Track Editor of Web Intelligence. He is the elected President of International Rough Set Society (IRSS). Please visit the following linkage for more detailed information:(http://www2.cs.uregina.ca/~yyao/





版权所有:同济大学 视觉与智能学习实验室
